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For Sale:
First, I have a new book of my original music, Music Created for Hammered Dulcimer, available with a companion CD. Its 120 pages include basic melodies plus arrangements and backups. Accompanying introductory text provides context for each piece.

The companion CD (a compilation of recordings from four CDs) includes all the full arrangements in the book of the same name. You can purchase the book and CD separately or together for a discounted price.

I currently have three solo albums (Silver Lining, Lavender Passages, and Sonic Quilt) and four albums with Constellation (Echoes of Twilight, Altogether Too Splendid, Painting the Sky, and My Slice of Forever).

Finally, I have a CD in collaboration with Jon Seskevich, an RN whose specialty is stress management. This CD blends my music with his voice to promote relaxation.

To see album descriptions and track lists, or to hear clips, click on the album cover. You will be sent to Constellation’s website, where you can also order CDs.

Or, to go straight to ordering information, click here.